Monday, April 5, 2021

Lawsuit settlement is key

 Thanks to the settlement of the lawsuit I was able to purchase some new art appears to be very valuable and may provide seem to restoring in paradise  the Hundertwasser mural.

Best wishes Chris

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Collecting on Debts, the hardest art

I do not give in or give up but I do get exasperated by the rich and super rich that will not pay their bills to me. I have $40,000 that is very difficult to collect and now a new client Ana Maria Estrada, a movie star and Jeffry Rosen her producer husband who owe me just $3,200 for 115 days. 

I am trying to monetize this project and I am working to make it happen, but it would be so much easier if my clients paid their bills.

I am also trying to get out the third book that I have made, the other two were mysteriously erased by the publisher They just said sorry, we do not know what happened.

I am hoping to work it out soon, we will see. I will never give up or quit, the Restoration of Hundertwassers Paradise mural will happen. Read the letter bellow from the  former curator of the MoMA Peter Selz.

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Art of Collecting old debts

Hi, I am now trying to collect on old debs that a few supper rich clients have not paid. I am going to use social media to out them and their bad behavior. Hope fully this will encourage them to pay up.

The money will be used to Jumpstart the project and push book and print sales. We are trying to use the stories and images around the mural restoration project to raise the money need for the restoration of the mural. I have turned down 5 unsolicited bis for the mural starting at $500,000 and going up to $1.5m. Look below for one example and a great HW Quote,

Monday, March 21, 2016

Brief Update

This is an apologetic and brief update, its been so long since I posted an update. The progress is slow and steady and we are hopeful that we will soon have the right partners to move this project to a happy conclusion. We want the mural restored and in a museum setting. Life is so busy and we are taking the slow road and the high road with this project and are not looking at a quick sale or even the money for that matter. Its about the larger story and an opportunity to awaken people and bring other to their better selves.
I just found an old photo of me in the Wall Street Journal article and the interview with the journalist as well as an old letter I wrote to Arnold Schwartzenager. I am still hoping he might step in for a leading role as the Hero who saves Hundertwasser's Paradise Mural and  the world. He could bring more than money to the role, he could focus the attention of many who do not care about art.

I am going to attach the two if I can and then get to bed. Best wishes to you all , and do not work we are fine and have not given up.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the Beauty of their Dreams"

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Haunted by dreams on Halloween

Its Halloween that past last night but I am still haunted by my unfulfilled dreams tied to the Mural Paradise by Hundertwasser and his friend Bro.

The project is evolving slowly of its own accord driven by an unseen Brownian Hand in the universe. I thought I would just drop a line to let you know I am still alive and working on it with redoubled effort and have not lost hope or sold out.

 It has been seven years and a half since I moved the mural and saved it from destruction. Since then its been the subject of 3 news stories and the NY Times recently contacted me to express interest in picking it up. After the last story that ran in the Wall Street Journal I got a call from a woman who offered $1.2 million. I thanked her for the offer but said we are not interested in selling prior to a restoration. Last year we almost got a $400,000 grant from a Bank interested in the public relations value of being the hero who writes the check that restores a cultural treasure and puts it in the museum world.

I want to make out a will that makes explicit what I hope will be the future of the mural and how I hope to leverage off it as a fulcrum to move the world and nudge it towards a path or restoration. The mural and the world are both broken and can both be restored if we act together. This is the whole intent of my social sculpture that is participatory and international. We have been documenting the journey and I anticipate some exciting chapters ahead. If I should die unexpectedly I hope others will honor my intent and pick up the torch to finish the race that began long ago.

Hundertwasser ( ) and Bro were two runners in that marathon . It is a race to the promised land of Good dreams , the utopia that is possible. The world groans  in travail for the coming of true man.
Hunderwasser said his greatest work was in the awakening of identities and bringing others to their better selves. That is the design and purpose of our project. I will have to draw you out a treasure map that is detailed and shows you where the treasure is buried. I do not have time now but soon I will.

I have to go now the real world is calling and there are fires to put out. Please check out my EBook at . It is in the bookstore but downloadable for free now and is informative and entertaining. Just search under its title "Restoring Paradise". The current version is an unedited proof and will be professionally edited soon and available in paperback , and hardback copies.

Best wishes from NYC .............. Chris Muth

Thursday, February 27, 2014

ALBERT EINSTEIN AND THE ATOMIC BOMB - History/Biography/Science (documen...

What this excellent film makes clear is that energy and power of immense proportions is all around us and that the key to releasing that energy was never imagined by the man who discovered the theoretical equation, f we could only find a safe means of releasing and capturing this force like cold fusion we could save the world from a carbon fuel based death. We also needed a way to release the positive creative energy in a productive fashion of individuals in society to make a difference positively and save our world.

That was Hundertwassers aim and it is the aim of our project "Restoring Paradise" I do not know how but I have a plan and I think it can be done.