I did not have a chance to go to Austria, and to Vienna to celebrate the tenth anniversary of his Death on Feb 19th. I plan to go this summer when the weather is good and take a month at least to explore all things Hundertwasserish, in the land of his birth. This weekend I am going too the Art Armory Show in NYC, who knows what or whom I shall see.Perhaps I will meet people who can help me move this restoration project forward, someone with the knowledge, financial connections and appreciation to actualize what remains a dream in storage. We have not yet found the way to reach a base of support, but we are confident it exists and we will someday drill into that wellspring of understanding and desire. I know that millions know and love Hundertwasser and his work and millions yet who would love to know of him and his vision of a paradise restored that we could all live in and share in Justice. Today I wrote an email to Danelle Ganek the author of the book LULU MEETS GOD AND DOUBTS HIM. It was a great read and I recommend it highly' especially to anyone who wants to understand the NYC art scene. I am learning more all the time in the course of my adventure to restore Hundertwassers great mural Paradise. I will keep you posted, I trust I will one day have some readers, until then best wishes from NYC and the X, Why Z Arts collective.
I am including a 2Minuit 30 second video attachment of our salvage effort at the beginnings, as well as a 1983 photo of Hundertwasser and Mr Harel visiting the painting . Hundertwasser was in NY city to receive an award for his stamp designs from the United Nations. The vidio was made for us by Fred Espisito a DP, he has taken other footage, which will be forthcoming in short installments. The photo was sent to us by Andrea Furst the Director of his Archive. Their email address is archiv@harel.at