Monday, January 6, 2014

The E-Book is Out! "Restoring Paradise" by Chris Muth

    Restoring Paradise ,the E-book is out!

I worked on finishing the uncorrected proof over the holidays and am releasing it in time for my birthday, Jan. 5th .I am 55 and happy to be alive, considering that Dr. Christian Barnard said I would be in dead by 16. I was the white guy,at the white place at the white time in Cape town South Africa. Doctors Without Borders diagnosed my heart defect and the black miners of South Africa paid for my subsidized operation . It was $200 dollars and a months pay for my father who was an American Professor in Roma Lesotho. We were white and in 1966 the racist policy of apartide worked in my favor. My father said they would treat all whites from anywhere in the world for the same low price as their white nationals . Crazy isn't it but I am thankful anyway. I want to use the books, and movies, and reality style unscripted TV show we will podcast and the money from the eventual sale of the mural to show my gratitude for the life I have been given. Half of all profits will be distributed from a foundation called " Restoring Paradise" to organizations and individuals engaged in actions that are restoring the beautiful but broken Planet we share.

The first beneficiary I want to be my little brother, Steven Muth's nonprofit organization that he cofounded. Its called NYC Medics and please visit their website at . I am hoping to showcase their works and make a great first show to give them the attention they deserve for their great works. I want to thank him for all his help with this project and for believing in it and helping to finance it from the start as well as using his company as the platform foe the website that he created at It has been an invaluable tool. 

I have to go now but please visit and look in the shop under e-books for my Title" Restoring Paradise" under name Chris Muth. We intend to start our own media campaign using the crazy cat rescue story as a media hook. When we make money on the e-book sales we will reinvest in a series of books in soft and hardcover and other items that we can think of as fundraising tools. His archive in Vienna offered to give us a limited supply of collotype prints that sell for $350 as a fundraising tool. I will try too attach links to 3 of the media stories that are out already, they are priming the pump for the start of a real media campaign