Monday, January 4, 2010

Saving Hundertwassers Paradise

In all beginnings dwells a magic force Herman Hesse has said. and in boldness lies power and so we begin this blog in faith and hope that if we ask for help in a noble task we will find a hearing in the Germanic bloggisphere. We are sending out an S.O.S , bottled in a blog on the waters of an uncharted sea in search of help from unknown companions in distant and foreign lands who may be engaged in the same task the restoration of what has been broken , a Paradise lost by the disobedience of Humankind in the beautiful garden given to them by nature and the endless creativity of that force that dwells within all beings. This was the aim of the art and architecture of Hundertwasser the iconic and eccentric artist, environmentalist and philosopher who fought the good fight against the straight line and all that was unnatural.

How do I know this , a citizen of the USA who goggled his name two and a half years ago only to discover I had caught a big Fish from another pond. You see in a mysterious fashion I was given the largest Hundertwasser Painting made in the power of his youth in France . The painting was his first painting in the modern style and done collaboratively in conjunction with his friend and mentor Rene Bro in 1950 , it is called Paradise. My family is now the deed holder of the valuable painting that is under restoration. Ralf Wittig conservator from his Museum in Vienna is designated to finish the restoration. It is expected to cost $100,000. We would like to return this painting to his homeland and his museum for its first showing in the art world to whom this painting has been constructively a lost paradise.

The purpose of this site is to tell that story of our journey thus far and the end for it that we seek. We have done as much work on this project as we can afford and are seeking help in our cause. We are offering 7%APR to investors in this project and offering premiums and gifts to those who would like to make small donations to our cause. We are going to detail the offerings in the future. These will include an ebook on the project, complete with the letters of provenance and photo's of the project in all its phases. as well as posters , calenders mugs and other premiums.

My family is not interested in a quick sale but in taking our time and doing this project respectfully with respect for its makers and the audience of Hundertwassers friends and admirers. Finally we want to insure that it finds a public home where it can be enjoyed by all his friends and those to whom he remains sadly as yet unknown. We have begun a documentary about the project, the painting and the person. We are looking for private individuals with good Hundertwasser stories who would be willing to share them on film. We would appreciate any advice or help that you could offer on this project.

Finally , we want to thank his Archive in Vienna who has been so helpful with this project to date, especially Andrea Furst , the director who has given us so much of her time over the last two and a half years. She is very busy working on the activities surrounding the upcoming tenth anniversary of his untimely death, His life and legacy will be celebrated on February 15th, and I hope to be in attendance, perhaps even to give a presentation about our adventures restoring Hundertwassers Paradise Mural.

I apologise that this is in English only at this point but I have yet to learn German, helpfully that will be different one day.

Best wishes from a new friend and fan of Hundertwasser in Brooklyn New York
I look forward to a two way communication with his friends and admirers dedicated to the same cause for which he lived his art and life , restoring a paradise that humankind has so badly damaged.

Happy New Year Chris Muth

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,

    We met today on the train and you told me the story of the beautiful painting, "The Paradise", and your current goals. Thank you for taking time to tell me about it. It is truly a masterpiece. I had to get off the train shortly after we spoke, but I'm glad there's a blog about this.

    Best of luck to you with your project! I'm looking forward to hearing about its successful completion and perhaps seeing it in person.

    Best regards,

    P.S. I speak German, and am familiar with the culture and art from a few German-speaking countries. I'm very glad I learned about a great artist from Austria.
